The ADVANCE Fundraiser is a new way to bridge the financial gap between tuition costs and the actual cost of providing our unique brand of Christian education. This is a student-driven and service-based project where we fundraise NOW – April 24 and then service takes place on ADVANCE Day, Friday, April 25th.
All students, PreK-12th grade, will serve various ministries in our surrounding Cincinnati communities.
ADVANCE Day also includes special chapels where we stop and thank God for the privilege of learning at MVCA—where Jesus is the core of academic study, center stage of fine arts performance and creativity, and the point man of all athletic competitions.
Cash and checks can also be sent directly to school along with the sponsorship postcard. Enter the student(s) names in the yellow box.
Make payable to MVCA
Write student name on Memo line
Send to : 6830 School St
Cincinnati, OH 45244